Monday, January 4, 2016


Ten years ago January was just another cold month to me with no specific significance. Does January have any special meaning for you? January is “National Radon Action Month” in case you didn’t know.  During the last ten years, I have become educated about what radon is and what it can do.  Through the course of these ten years, I have made friends with and followed the Caring Bridge journals of Susan in Oregon, Monica in South Carolina, Lori in Iowa, Janet in Canada, Liz in Wisconsin and so many others on face book and news stories who have shared their lives and stories of how lung cancer invaded their lives due to high levels of radon in their indoor environments. Yes, ten years ago my home was also invaded by this demon—lung cancer—and took my husband, Joe, from his earthly physical presence; and I discovered the likely cause was the presence of high levels of radon gas in our home.  Now in addition to November having a meaning for me—National Lung Cancer Awareness Month--January signifies Nation Radon Action Month.  In the last ten years I’ve spoken to hundreds of legislators throughout our nation, given hundreds of presentations and talks about the danger of radioactive radon gas throughout the nation, and shared our story ( Joe’s and mine) and that of so many others with groups and audiences; but as you know now I’m ten years older, and I pray (although I will continue as long as possible) that others will learn and educate themselves and their families, neighbors, medical staffs, and legislators about actions that can be taken to help prevent radon-related lung cancer. The friends that I’ve made in the name of protecting our citizens from radon exposure in the medical communities, legislative arenas, and radon industry are also ten years older; and we need educated, trained, enthusiastic, and dedicated individuals in all realms of our society to join with us and continue to make a difference with radon reduction action.  Yes, January now means “Radon Action Month” to me and I hope it does to you also.
Gloria Linnertz
Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction