Pilot Project Launched to Help You Test Your Home for Radon
Do you know a person whose life has been impacted by lung cancer? We are sorry for these unfortunate circumstances and are trying to reduce the number of persons with this all too common disease. The Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing lung cancer due to radon, wants to help you estimate your radon exposure and the risk it poses to your health. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. It can significantly increase the lung cancer risk for both never smokers and smokers.
Donations and volunteer expert services have made it possible for us to offer Free advanced radon measurements* to lung cancer patients, their family or friends who want to know what their radon exposure at home and what can be done about it. We are studying the effectiveness of a new radon measuring method because some people find current radon measurement technologies challenging to use and difficult to interpret.
After you have completed your short-term and long-term radon measurements, you will have a better understanding of your exposure to radon and have enough information to decide what radon reduction actions public health organizations would recommend. Your results and contact information will be kept private. We hope that your participation in this project may lead you to want to spark some interest and awareness of radon exposure and lung cancer risk in your community so that other persons, who you do not know, may be helped to avoid lung cancer.
To participate, you must agree to:
• Provide your contact information: mailing address, email address, phone number
• Communicate with us primarily via email (phone contact as a backup)
• Make the radon measurements according to the instructions
• Use the pre-paid mailers to return the electronic radon meter to us and the other detectors to the analysis labs on time
• Share your radon results with the study ‘s technical director
• Complete a post-measurement survey about your experience and any radon reduction actions you plan
What we agree to do:
• Supply free radon detectors including postage and a technical “help line”
• Contact you in advance to see when you are able to make the measurements in the near future
• Protect your privacy by keeping confidential your name and radon results;
o only the study’s technical director will know the code connecting your name with your radon results
o your contact information will not be shared with any other party or organization
• Help you interpret your radon results. When you complete the measurements, you will have a solid basis to decide what actions you can take.
• Provide information to help you mitigate your house if you decide to do so.
• Help you “spread the word” (if you want) to others who might want to know about their radon exposure.
Note: A limited number of detector kits are available on a first-come-first served basis.
*State laws or regulations requiring special approval of detectors, licenses and/or fees even for free distribution of radon detectors to home owners do not allow us to enroll participants from New Jersey, Florida, Iowa (awaiting review), and Maine. Sorry that, at this time, our budget will not allow participants in Alaska or Hawaii.
If you want to participate please send an email stating your wish to info@Citizens4RadonReduction.org
CRRR study PHONE 618 830 4660 for questions
We will send you a follow-up email with enrollment instructions for you to complete and return.