Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of Radon
Who will protect you from radioactive
radon gas exposure? The answer is “you!”
The next question is: “Why
should you be concerned?” Radon
exposure increases your chance of lung cancer—it is the leading environmental
cause of cancer mortality and the leading cause of death in the home. The solid radioactive particles emitted from
radon gas can be inhaled into the lungs.
The risk of the adverse health effect of radon exposure—lung
cancer—increases proportionately with increasing radon concentrations and
length of time of exposure. You may be
exposed to radon for many years without ever suspecting its presence. There is no safe level of radon. The World Health Organization uses 2.7
picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L) as a reference level to take action. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
indicates that if your level is between 2-4 pCi/L, you should consider action.
is radon? Radon is an invisible
radioactive gas that is emitted from the decay products of uranium in the
ground beneath our structures: homes,
schools, churches, and workplaces. It
can seep into our indoor environment through sump pits, floor joints, openings
around basement pipes, and other openings or cracks in the foundation
is radon found? Elevated levels of radon
have been found in every state in the U.S. as well as throughout the world. It
can be present in any type of structure: old, new, basement, no basement, brick
or frame.
to test is simple. A short-term test (3
to 7 days) can be purchased online or at a local hardware store. A long-term device (91 days to a year)--referred
to as alpha track--can be found from vendors such as RSSI, AccuStar, Pro-Lab,
and Radtrak. You can also hire certified
professional testors who are listed on these websites: www.nrpp.info/radon_measurement_service.shtml
or www.nrsb.org
or http://www.epa.gov/radon/whereyoulive.html. The only way to know if you are living with
high levels of radon is to test!
Where should
you place the test device? If the home
has a basement, place it there. If there
is no basement, place it in the bedroom or family room. Be sure to read the directions on the test
device carefully.
When to test
is up to you; now is a great time! It is
important that the doors and windows stay closed 12 hours before the test
begins. In the winter, that is
easy. January is National Radon Action
Month; however, each month should be considered radon action month!
How you
can protect yourself and others? The
answer is through education and action. If
your level is elevated, contact a certified radon professional to install a
radon mitigation system for you. If a
mitigation system is properly installed, it can reduce your radon level by up
to 95%. You can find a certified radon
mitigator in your area on these sites: www.nrpp.inf/radon_mitigation_service.shtml
or www.nsb.org
or http://www.epa.gov/radon/whereyou live.htm.
What you can
also do includes contacting your state legislators and informing them about
your concern over the lack of awareness, education, and action needed to
protect you and others from this silent killer—radon-- that is so unknown to so
many of our citizens. You can find out
about the state radon laws at www.eli.org/buildings. Click on radon
topic to see a list of radon publications by the Environmental Law
Institute including a database of all the state radon laws which is updated
annually. Remember, you are the one who can
protect yourself and others by sharing your knowledge of the danger of radioactive
radon gas exposure with your friends, family, neighbors, and legislators. Please take action today. The following agencies strongly urge you to
test for radon and reduce concentrations as needed to protect your health and
the health of your family: American
Medical Association, Center for Disease Control, National Cancer Institute,
National Academy of Science, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S.
Public Health Service and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Gloria Linnertz
December 19, 2016
Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction.org
December 19, 2016
Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction.org