Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Please show what a true radon advocate you are and make a difference with your written testimony to the House subcommittee requesting federal funding for the State Indoor Radon Grants.  Without theses grants, the state radon programs will cease all radon education and outreach to the citizens of that state.  Please help and make a difference in helping to save lives with radon advocacy.

Written Testimony for US House Of Representatiive To Be received by April 10, 2014.

House Committee on Appropriations
Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
B-308 Rayburn House Office Building

Instructions for Providing Written Public Testimony

An electronic copy of testimony must be received by April 10, 2014.

As in past years, ALL interested parties may submit written testimony to be included in the official record. You do not have to be selected for an in-person public testimony day in order to participate.
All written testimony must comply with the following requirements.
* Do not exceed four pages - testimony that exceeds four pages will not be accepted.
* Type on standard 8.5 by 11 inch letter size paper. 
* Single-space type in 12 point font with one inch margins. 
* Clearly indicate your name, title, and institutional affiliation (if any) at the top of the first page. 
* Clearly state in the first paragraph the agency, program, and amount of funding involved in the
* Do not include color and detailed photos, since the official record will contain photographically reproduced copies of written testimony. However, use of charts and tables and the use of appropriate bold type and bullets are acceptable, as long as they are within the four page maximum length.
*Attach testimony to an e-mail with the subject line "written testimony" and send to
*Attach testimony to an e-mail with the subject line "written testimony" and send to


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